Ignite the fight
against antimicrobial resistance in our community

Explore Firstline

Get ready to protect the Baptist Health community

Firstline is free to all clinical practitioners across all care settings. You can get started today in less than 60 seconds:
  1. Download Firstline on mobile or access the web
  2. Click "Select location" and choose Baptist Health
  3. Instantly access local, tailored guidance to optimize patient outcomes
Mobile Web version

Amanda Novack, MD

Jared Heiles, PharmD

Jon Derringer, PharmD

Katie Lusardi, PharmD

Ryan Dare, MD
"At Baptist Health, stewardship is a core value. Our team's mission is to provide optimal care to our patients while promoting the responsible use of antimicrobials. Our team works diligently to provide evidence-based guidance and education to our clinicians while fostering continuous improvement through antimicrobial stewardship. Firstline provides clinicians with access to our institutional guidelines at their fingertips."

With you, we win!

As a prescriber of antibiotics, your decisions have a profound effect on the people we love and care for. You have the power to improve patient outcomes, protect antimicrobials, and curb the spread of drug-resistant infections by leveraging local, evidence-based guidance.

Delivering a stronger dose of stewardship

Baptist Health is on a mission to spark a culture of antimicrobial stewardship that safeguards health now and for generations to come.

With Firstline, we are one step closer to:

  • Enhancing accessibility of stewardship and IPC guidance
  • Optimizing prescribing practices, such as duration of therapy
  • Promoting judicious antimicrobial use and encouraging the use of narrow-spectrum agents & tailored therapies
  • Improving efforts to reduce avoidable health care-associated infections such as C. difficile infection

Leaders like you make big things happen

Your voice is powerful. We are looking for antimicrobial ambassadors from all clinical professions to help expand the use of our local ID guidance and motivate peers to take action on AMR.

If this is you, please contact the antimicrobial stewardship team.

Antimicrobial Ambassadors

A smarter way to take action with Firstline

Firstline delivers local infections disease guidance and antimicrobial prescribing information at your fingertips. This includes real-time notifications for drug shortages and updated guidance, helping you to optimize treatments immediately at the point of care.

Microbial Pursuit

A daily trivia game to challenge your general antimicrobial and pathogen knowledge.

Firstline Impact

Learn more about the impact of Firstline implementation at other organizations.

Advocacy Toolkit

The fight against antimicrobial resistance is a collective effort. Help spread the word and advocate for global action.

Copyright ©2024 Spectrum Mobile Health Inc, dba Firstline Clinical. All rights reserved.