Firstline updates
Firstline updates

New Admin UI Design










We have released a new and improved user interface for client organizations using Firstline.

  • New horizontal resource menus for easier navigation and faster workflows
  • Improved user interface for editing guidelines and monographs
  • Improved validation of guidance and proactive problem detection

Analytics Update










The Firstline Analytics platform has been updated, giving our client organizations greater insight into web and mobile usage patterns.

The key features of this significant update are:

  • New - Integrated Web and Mobile Usage

  • Increased Focus on Usage

  • New - Team Selection on Web

  • Improved GDPR Compliance

  • Improved Performance

Mobile v4.0.9






Version 4.0.9 of the mobile is now available.

This release contains performance updates for the Firstline Community as part of our commitment to continuous improvement.results emoji.png

Enjoy!! (and be sure to update to the new version here).

Mobile v4.0.7








Version 4.0.7 of the mobile app is available.

This release focuses on speed and performance improvements to see our way into 2023 with a bang! Use v4.0.7 and you'll be rewarded with:

  • Radically faster app opening
  • Snappier switching between downloaded Firstline locations
  • Improved handling when experiencing weaker or intermittent internet connections
  • Bookmarks can now be used by everyone - with no sign-in needed
  • WHO AWaRe antimicrobial categories
  • Pull-to-refresh from the homescreen to fetch latest guidance updates

Not too shabby, right? 👉 See the new version here!

Mobile v4.0.5










Version 4.0.5 of the Firstline mobile app is available here.

Highlights in this new and improved version include:

  • Redesigned dosing interface for complex treatment regimens (see below)
  • Improved speed of switching between organisation locations
  • Improved content search for organisations with complex content categories
  • Countless (we tried…) below-the-surface improvements.

We're also laying some foundations for an exciting Firstline announcement coming in just a few weeks time… image.png


image.png Example of new dosing design for complex treatment regimens.

Mobile v4.0.4 with pull-to-refresh feature








Version 4.0.4 of the mobile app is now available!

This release sees several performance improvements and user-experience refinements including:

  • Performance and polish improvements to icons used throughout the app
  • Added Pull-to-refresh to the dashboard to check for updated guidance for your location
  • New content-types have been added that improve the clarity of guidance in some instances, and also lay foundations for more exciting announcements coming in the near-future…
  • Refined search to return more tightly focused results with improved relevance.

👉 See the new version here!

Mobile v4.0.2 with speedy location switcher






As Firstline is more widely adopted across the globe, the list of available healthcare locations had become a little unwieldy. This update delivers a freshly-polished version of our location listing, and some performance improvements to ease switching between locations.

There are various other small performance improvements around the app which should continue to feel smooth and snappy to to use.

👉 Not sure you've got the latest version of Firstline? Click here!

Sparkling new Web Version of Firstline








🎉 Today we have released a huge update to the web version of Firstline!

Firstline is designed to be the point-of-care decision support tool on all platforms. Following on the heels of recent mobile updates, we have a transformational update for the web.

This release is the result of many months of design, development, testing and iteration. The interface has been crafted with a strong family resemblance to the mobile app, but reflects the unique DNA of the web.

Improvements include a clean new design that enhances information hierarchy, visual consistency, improved heuristics, and significantly improved performance across the board. And did we mention how pretty it is?


👉 See the new version here:

Over coming weeks we'll be lavishing even more development time on Firstline for the web.

v4.0.1 - Bookmarks + improved Sign-in






Today we released new versions for iOS and Android (v4.0.1) which include a number of workflow improvements and a new mobile app user feature:

• We're excited to introduce Bookmarks! - Here is how to bookmark your favourite content for quick reference:

  1. Tap on Actions (3 dots top right of screen)
  2. Sign-in/create an account
  3. Bookmark the resource you are browsing!

That's it!

The Bookmarks icon is in the bottom navigation to keep all your content close at hand. Happy bookmarking!


• Also new today, a cleaner and more intuitive sign-in experience for Firstline mobile users.

Version 4 of Firstline mobile app available






A lot of things have changed in this release of the mobile app! Here are the highlights:

  • A new UI has been implemented and the mobile app has a fresh look. Those paying attention will notice a new splash screen, plus many new UI elements like generic and expandable content headers, buttons, scrollable sections, etc.;

  • This release delivers more design consistency across the mobile app, as well as improvements in stability for mobile users;

  • New! Recently viewed Guidelines, Antimicrobials and Pathogens now display on the mobile app homescreen for (even!) easier access to information.

Performance has been improved and Firstline v4.0 mobile app will feel snappier than ever before.
