A new, stronger fight
against antimicrobial

Protect the people we love and care for
globally and in our local communities

Discover Firstline

Bringing people and knowledge together

Firstline is a health technology platform that makes clinical guidance on infectious diseases easily accessible at the point of care. We empower every prescriber to make the best treatment decisions based on expert knowledge.

With you, we win! Join us to preserve the efficacy of vital antibiotics and protect humans, animals, and our environment.


New evidence


Created by experts


At the point of care


Impactful change
Get started with Firstline

Firstline for maximum impact

Together, our prescribing actions can have profound impact, delivering better patient care, reducing healthcare costs, and curbing the spread of drug-resistant infections.




Return on investment


Reduction in
30-day readmissions


Reduced antimicrobial


Decrease in C. difficile cases


Stay to
fight AMR together

For global health organizations

Bridge global vision to local action

Global organizations partner with Firstline to transform world-leading ID expertise into effective stewardship actions that protect modern medicine.

Firstline is proven to simplify the localization of global guidance. Expand usage across prescribing communities and scale a unified AMR movement like no other.

For state authorities, health systems & hospitals

Prescribe like the health of our communities depend on it. Because it does.

State authorities, health systems, and hospitals, team with Firstline to deliver your tailor-made ID guidance to every provider at the point of care. Empower evidence-based treatment decisions that improve patient outcomes and drive savings of over $550/bed/year.

Building on the success of prior syndrome-specific interventions and the ease of accessing our locally derived guidelines in the Firstline app, we have been able to take antimicrobial therapy to a new level allowing safe de-escalation of broad-spectrum antimicrobials optimizing patient care.

Joey Kohn, PharmD, BCPS, Prisma Health-Midlands

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News + Highlights

Firstline to Deliver Canada's National Guidelines

The Government of Canada has announced the distribution of national antimicrobial prescribing guidelines on Firstline.

Government of Canada logo

New paper: Driving stewardship with Firstline in a paediatric setting

Antibiotic stewardship (AS) interventions in paediatrics are still not standardized regarding methodology, metrics, and outcomes. We report the results of an AS intervention in the paediatric area based on education and guideline provision via Firstline.

Children’s Colorado Provides Pediatric Guidance Statewide

Last year, Children’s Hospital Colorado’s Antimicrobial Stewardship Program was nationally recognized for playing an important role in optimizing the use of antibiotics for better pediatric patient and hospital outcomes.

Now, the Children’s Colorado Antimicrobial Stewardship team, along with teams from Denver Health and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), have partnered with Firstline, to design a mobile version of their infectious disease guidance and deliver it to all healthcare providers in Colorado.