A new, stronger fight against AMR

Firstline To Deliver Canada's National Guidelines

In a collaboration with the Public Health Agency of Canada and AMMI Canada, Firstline has agreed to play a pivotal role in the development and dissemination of Canada’s first official national antimicrobial prescribing guidelines.

The Threat of AMR

Pan-Canadian National Action Plan on AMR

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the most daunting challenges of our time. The misuse and overuse of antimicrobials have accelerated the spread of resistance, undermining the effectiveness of these crucial medications and posing a severe threat to public health. In Canada, AMR currently claims thousands of lives and costs billions of dollars annually. Recognizing the urgency of this issue, the Government of Canada has launched a strategy to optimize antimicrobial use across the nation.

Enhancing Stewardship in Canada

Firstline delivers national guidelines for Canada

The National Guidelines Project will deploy Firstline’s advanced digital platform to facilitate localization of the World Health Organization's AWaRe system and antibiotic book for Canadian use and deliver those guidelines to healthcare providers right at the point of care.

Every healthcare provider, across all clinical settings, plays a critical role in antimicrobial stewardship. By integrating these guidelines seamlessly into everyday medical practice, Firstline will enable healthcare professionals to make informed, evidence-based decisions that are crucial for effective patient care.

Canadian Leadership in Action

Public Health Agency of Canada Firstline AMMI Canada

Firstline and the Public Health Agency of Canada are joined in the project by the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada (AMMI Canada), whose members were instrumental in the creation of the WHO’s AWaRe global guidelines.

This project will see AMMI leading the adaptation of the WHO’s gold standard guidance for use in Canada. AMMI will apply a methodological framework to adopt, adapt, or exclude recommendations from the WHO’s AWaRe antibiotic guidance, thereby developing evidence-based guidelines for Canadian healthcare providers.

Government of Canada logo "The Government of Canada is proud to be working with our partners to develop evidence-based national antimicrobial prescribing guidelines and make them easily accessible to physicians and healthcare prescribers at point-of-care leveraging Canadian digital innovation. This will be a key tool in ensuring the appropriate and responsible use of antibiotics for humans and contribute to the overall action against antimicrobial resistance.”

The Honourable Mark Holland, Minister of Health of Canada

Firstline “Firstline is delighted to be deploying our service and technology to manage and distribute national antimicrobial prescribing guidance for the Government of Canada. Our experiences partnering with the World Health Organization, other governments and healthcare organizations give Firstline a unique ability to deliver clinical guidance that produces real-world improvements in patient care. Having deployed more sophisticated antimicrobial stewardship interventions around the world than any other organization, we are proud to play a national role in supporting healthcare providers at home in Canada.”

Dr Michael Long, Chief Clinical Officer, Firstline

World Health Organization “Canada’s adoption and adaptation of guidelines based on the WHO’s AWaRe system and antibiotic book shows that AWaRe is a useful tool to improve antibiotic prescribing worldwide. We are confident that this project, which also provides digital access to guidance at the point of care, will be a valuable support for prescribers.”

Dr Benedikt Huttner, Division of Antimicrobial Resistance, WHO

Pan-Canadian National Action Plan on AMR "We are immensely proud to support Firstline's groundbreaking leadership in the development and global deployment of its data-sharing platform to combat antimicrobial resistance. This announcement is a tremendous achievement for British Columbia-led innovation and a remarkable milestone, benefitting people in Canada and around the world with more informed, evidence-based care in prescription guidance."

Sue Paish, CEO, DIGITAL, Canada's Global Innovation Cluster for digital technologies

Press Release and Announcement

WHO Guidance on Firstline

Key Supporters

We would like to gratefully acknowledge the cumulative help Firstline has received in reaching this milestone through support from the extraordinary Canadian innovation ecosystem. Thank you, to all our partners, stakeholders, and supporters.

Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada

The Ministry of Innovation Science and Economic Development (ISED) has been instrumental in assisting Firstline. ISED supported and guided Firstline’s navigation of national governmental and intergovernmental processes, and is the parent organization of the Digital Supercluster.


DIGITAL, Canada's Global Innovation Cluster for digital technologies, provided research and development funding to Firstline as part of a project aiming to accelerate the flow of clinical knowledge. The novel technology created as part of this project underpins Firstline’s collaboration with the WHO, and now with the Government of Canada. Like many of the best investors, the Supercluster’s commitment to Firstline extended beyond funding and they have been an essential advocate for and supporter of Firstline.