Be an Antimicrobial Ambassador

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a significant global health threat that endangers the people we love and care for. To defeat this threat, we must spark a global culture of antimicrobial stewardship that safeguards the health of our communities now and for generations to come

Mobilizing to defeat AMR together

The fight against AMR is a collective effort. We are on a mission to protect antimicrobials by combining the strength of all AMR advocates, policymakers, and prescribers worldwide. United, we strengthen our ability to combat this critical issue and preserve these life-saving medicines. With you, we win!

Firstline - Antimicrobial Ambassadors

Join the mission as an Antimicrobial Ambassador

1. Go blue for AMR

Proudly wear your Antimicrobial Ambassador pin or blue clothing. Use it as a conversation piece to discuss the mission with your colleagues.

2. Advocate with confidence

Harness the reach of social media. During WAAW 2024, post pictures with your pin and advocacy messages. Don't forget the hashtags #AntimicrobialAmbassador and #GoBlueforAMR to connect with other ambassadors.
See our AMR Advocacy Toolkit.

AMR Advocacy Toolkit
Be an Antimicrobial Ambassador

3. Use evidence-based guidance

As antimicrobial ambassadors, we commit to responsible prescribing practices and to using evidence-based treatment guidance to make better decisions for better patient outcomes.

Where local susceptibilities are available, using local guidance based on epidemiological data can help us select the best treatment, avoid unnecessary antibiotics, and optimize dosage and duration.

The AWaRe (Access, Watch, Reserve) antibiotic classification system should also be used to guide prescribing decisions. This system ensures the preservation of critical antibiotics from the Watch and Reserve group while moving towards a global target of 60% of all antibiotics consumed coming from Access - the group of antibiotics at the lowest risk of resistance.

Be an Antimicrobial Ambassador

4. Educate patients on AMR

Antimicrobial Ambassadors play a crucial role in educating patients about antimicrobial resistance and the importance of proper antibiotic use.

Patients should be informed that not all infections require antibiotics, and when they are required, antibiotics must be taken exactly as prescribed - they should never be saved for future use or shared with others. Infection prevention strategies such as handwashing and staying up to date on vaccinations should also be emphasized to reduce the spread of illnesses.

Through education, healthcare providers can empower patients to join the collective effort in combating antimicrobial resistance while making informed decisions for their health and the well-being of our communities.

Be an Antimicrobial Ambassador

Additional Resources

Our Ambassador Partners